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Default Pandora, I apologize

patrice wrote:
> Admittedly, I think sometimes HIPAA goes way overboard. Having said
> that, and agreeing completely with Goomba's post, it's nice to have a
> backup when a well meaning relative or friend calls asking for a
> patient's condition, when it may or may not be any of their business,
> and being able to said "due to new regulations, we're not able to give
> out any more information". It keeps health care workers from getting in
> the middle of really sticky situations. I really like the idea of not
> being able to mention much at all about how a person is doing without
> their permission.
> Perhaps you can ask your dad to put you on a list of folks that the
> doctor etc., is/are allowed to discuss his condition with?

Providing Dad actually wants her to know. He may be one of those
private old guys who wants to fade away without a lot of emotion.

In the long run it won't make a difference who knows about his
condition but if he has a desire for privacy, it's worth helping
him to protect his dignity.

I agree that if I were in Jill's position, I would want to visit as
often as possible this year., but I recommend that to anyone with aging

I lost both parents when I was 28 and I still miss them terribly. They
would have been wonderful grandparents for my kids.

gloria p