Was laughing (thankfully) with Mom last night about a meal she used to make
for me as a kid and which I still make for myself. We called it
"egg-a-cup". It was simply two soft-to-medium boiled eggs with a teaspoon
of butter, chopped up in a coffee mug and sprinkled with salt & pepper.
Eaten with a spoon. When I mentioned what I had for breakfast yesterday, I
said, "Egg a cup" and she giggled! "Egg a cup!", she exclaimed! Yep! We
had a good laugh over that.
Back in 1965 when we lived in Lakehurst, NJ, I spent the night at Mikey and
Bridget's house and the next morning their mom asked what I wanted for
breakfast. "Egg-a-cup", I replied. She had to call my mom to find out what
the heck it was. (laughing) I was five and thought *everyone* knew about
egg-a-cup! That with a piece of buttered toast is a wonderful meal no
matter what time of day. Think I'll make some for lunch <G>