Thread: Egg-a-cup!
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Default Egg-a-cup!

Jude wrote:

> ~patches~ wrote:
>>Jude wrote:
>>>"Egg a cup" makes me thik of my mom's Toad In The Hole - a slice of
>>>bread with a hole cut out of the middle, buttered, andf fried in a
>>>skillet with an egg fried into the hole. The round of bread got fried
>>>up seperately. Nice and buttery, crispy, delicious. Maybe I'll have one
>>>for lunch today.

>>I have fond memories of this as do my kids Some will argue this
>>isn't the proper name for the dish but IMO it got the egg into the kid
>>without hassle so I'll continue calling it that.

> Exactly. When we moved to England when I was 7, I learned about English
> Toad In The Hole, which has a batter lilke a yorkshire pudding and then
> there are sausages in it, if I remember correctly. We liked this dish
> too, but it wasn';t Toad In The Hole. You can call it whatever you
> want, as long as I can eat it!
> Do your kids like the 'hole' best? I always did, and now my daughter
> does too.

My FM (not biological mother) was English but was actually born on the
ship on route from England to Canada. She came up with the dish but I
suspect it was from her parents who settled in Canada in 1903. At that
time, eggs would have been a lot cheaper than sausages so hence the dish
evolved to something that was appealing and used eggs. That's just my
theory but I loved it as a kid and so did my kids.

BTW, since I'm into genealogy, I have noticed a couple of things. Some
of my ancestors came to Canada in 1909. Of these, one was a strict
vegetarian because her father had been a butcher. They lived atop the
butershop and she just could not tolerate the smell of any kind of meat
not even fish. This line didn't seem to adopt a real fondness of eggs
as far as just eating them either. Now this is just my English lines.
The French and Native lines get a lot more interesting as to what they
ate. One of these days, I will share my findings