Thread: Egg-a-cup!
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Default Egg-a-cup!

On 10 Jan 2006 10:20:02 -0800, "Jude" > wrote:

>"Egg a cup" makes me thik of my mom's Toad In The Hole - a slice of
>bread with a hole cut out of the middle, buttered, andf fried in a
>skillet with an egg fried into the hole. The round of bread got fried
>up seperately. Nice and buttery, crispy, delicious. Maybe I'll have one
>for lunch today.

We make that, and call it egg bread.

One thing James has introduced me to is shredded wheat and eggs (which
I insist on calling shredded eggs and wheat) -- he crumbles up a
couple of the large shredded wheat biscuits on a plate and drops a
little bit of butter on top. Over the top of that go two over-easy
eggs, and some salt and pepper, and the whole thing is mixed up on the
plate until the yolks have soaked into the wheat. It's surprisingly

(I found that shredded wheat also makes a good matzoh-brei-like
substance if you soak the wheat in the eggs instead of mixing them up
