jmcquown wrote:
> Joseph Littleshoes wrote:
>>Jude wrote:
>>>"Egg a cup" makes me thik of my mom's Toad In The Hole - a slice of
>>>bread with a hole cut out of the middle, buttered, andf fried in a
>>>skillet with an egg fried into the hole. The round of bread got fried
>>>up seperately. Nice and buttery, crispy, delicious. Maybe I'll have
>>>one for lunch today.
>>There are specific small lidded containers, to put an egg and other
>>ingredients in, seal and boil till done, cocettes, iirc, i sometimes
>>put a slice of bread in a muffin tin, poke it down till it forms a
>>bread 'cup' or container, toast it lightly in the oven, then break a
>>raw egg into it, bit of cooked ham & some cheese and whatever other
>>herbs or spice one wishes, return to the oven to bake for about 10
>>minutes and serve in the bread 'cup'.
> Those are called egg rings and they sell them at
I think he means cocottes. See oeufs en cocotte: <>
The fancier ones have lids. The cheapies, like I have, are glass and
open at the top. Custard cups work just fine for this.