Thread: Egg-a-cup!
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Bob (this one)
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Default Egg-a-cup!

Jude wrote:
> Bob (this one) wrote:
>>Van wrote:
>>>"Jude" > wrote in message
>>>>"Egg a cup" makes me thik of my mom's Toad In The Hole - a slice of
>>>>bread with a hole cut out of the middle, buttered, andf fried in a
>>>>skillet with an egg fried into the hole. The round of bread got fried
>>>>up seperately. Nice and buttery, crispy, delicious. Maybe I'll have one
>>>>for lunch today.

>>The one that went over big with kids was to drop an egg on the griddle
>>and quickly pour pancake batter around it so it became a single unit.

> That sounds like somehting my daughter would love. i'll try it this
> weekend.
> Aren't you in VA? Any of your restaurants around hampton roads that i
> might nknow?

The therapy finally worked and I got out of the restaurant business.
Only took 30 years. But I only had operations in the Shenandoah Valley,
and that was enough.
