My Martha question
Julia Altshuler > wrote in message news:<4tb3c.148920$Xp.606602@attbi_s54>...
> Questions of innocence, guilt, crime, punishment and celebrity aside,
> what do y'all think of Martha Stewart's recipes and cookbooks? I have
> one, Entertaining, I think. I don't use it regularly, but the few times
> I've cooked out of it, I was pleased. At this point in my life, I'm
> making more simple, old standby recipes so Stewart's recipes strike me
> as too fancy, too much emphasis on presentation, but I've been known
> every now and then go for presentation too. Thoughts?
> --Lia
I don't have any of her cookbooks, but every single recipe of hers
that I've used, especially the "101s," have been "perfect" and gotten
rave reviews. I have no complaints, whatsoever. I don't believe her
recipes are difficult so much as they require a lot of attention to
detail, which doesn't bother me. I've looked through the appetizer
book and think I'd like to have it, but right now, I'm collecting
pop-up books. ;-)