the traditional Italian sourdough starter " madre" wrote:
> Thank you TG.
> I belive you , though I would ilke to know the recipes of your Italian
> starters.
> and. I saw a picture from a book( artisan baking across America by
> Maggie Glezer)
> that shows "madre" which was bundled in cloth and tied in twine.and it
> say it's
> the Italian traditional way.
> Do you know what it is?
> That's why I thought the Italian one is different from the others.
Oh, that's easy, Take come Italian flour or grain and add water. Lave
for 24 hours or so and refresh. : -)
No, I really think it's just another name, like some use mother
starter in English, I've got a recipe for Panetone from Il Fornaio if
you'd like me to send it.
If you're asking me about Italian traditions I'm not really
qualified. I'm a Heinz 57 but no Italian that I know of.