Sheldon "Cookie" Katz WAS: mmm.... rare prime rib...
Cute; at least they are not shouting out "look at me!" Unless you walk
around with your fingers in your mouth ; )
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, Richard Periut
> > wrote:
> (snip)
>>It's like people who decide to wear tattoos; they are shouting, "hey,
>>look at me, I'm important, I belong to something, I can identify with
>>something in my little pathetic life."
> Exactly!! And I've got the peach tattoo and the raspberry tattoo to
> prove it!! <vbseg> You can see them on my site:
> <>, on the first page, note titled "Wanna see my
> tats?" I Belong To Fruit!
> -Barb Pathetique