Sheldon "Cookie" Katz WAS: mmm.... rare prime rib...
Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, Richard Periut
> > wrote:
> Hey, I'm coming to this party!!
> (snip)
>>>>And what was the purpose of getting those tattoos, other than to show
>>>>them off for reasons known only to you.
> Marketing. "-)
>>So why permanently disfigure your skin,
> Skin? SKIN? I'm not talking about SKIN! Mine are wa-a-a-a-a-ay more
> interesting than mere skin tats.
>>with dyes that look ugly as you age?
> He-e-e-ey, I represent that remark! I didn't get my first tat until I
> was, what, 56?
So what happened in your life at that age, that made you so outspoken
and a rebel? Only curious...
>>>I meet people every day and like to share the artwork I have on my
>>>body with them.
> Me, too. Every time I see someone with a bodacious tat, I show them
> mine. I've **never** encountered anyone who'd seen one quite like
> either of them. . .
>>I'm not saying I'm better than you; I'm just saying that most people
>>that have tattoos, are trying to identify with a particular culture or
> Ayup, that's it, all right. Lemme see---I got it! The Holy Order of
> the Sacred Sisters of St. Pectina of Jella -- you be talking with
> Mother Superior, Kiddo.
>>A way of getting attention.
> And that is wrong because why? I could shoot someone and get a helluva
> lot MORE attention.
>>You maybe one of those rare specimens that just enjoys the art.
> Nah, the art might be better (people keep mistaking the raspberry for a
> ladybug or a pineapple), but mostly what I enjoy is the FUN I have
> watching peopleseses reactions when I show them. MINE are not seen
> unless and until *I* WANT you to see them.
>>Please don't get me wrong.
> Nah. Not a chance. "-)
> (more snippage)
>>>>Richard (age 39, doesn't never want to retire, in fact, is going to die
>>>>with boots on because is passionate about his profession, and never
>>>>needed tattoos) ; )
> Richard, what's your profession? Color me Curious.
>>Well it's my blessing, because of my profession, that I don't have to
>>shovel shit, et cetera. Matter of fact, I show up to work dressed in a
>>simple shirt and tie, and make a bundle in a couple of hours.
> Go, Richard!!
>>Yet I don't go crazy in having this money and wanting to burn it.
> I've never seen a hearse with a strongbox strapped to its roof.
> Our plan is for our blood pressure and our bank balance to hit zero at
> the same time. "-)
Gee Barb, that'l a nice philosophy! I hope you didn't procreate.