Real basic BBQ gas bottle q
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Real basic BBQ gas bottle q
> Just got my first gas BBQ and have a real basic q:
> Should the tap on the gas bottle be all the way open when cooking? A
> quarter turn seems to give the same amount of flame as full open is
> (maybe 3 or 4 turns) and I wonder if I'm just wasting gas otherwise.
> Maybe once these are open at all the pressure is pretty much the same
> no matter *how* open the tap is so it doesn't matter.
> Also when BBQ recipes specify time of grilling, do they usually mean at
> full heat or moderate?
I learned in welding classes that as a general rule you just crack open
fuel gas valves so you can shut them off quickly if you need to. Oxygen
tank valves OTOH should be opened all the way because the valve has a
seal at the top as well as the bottom of its travel, so opening all the
way keeps it from leaking around the valve stem.
Best regards,
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