Thread: Fairy Riot
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Default Fairy Riot

LOL the fairies are going crazy at my house!!!!!!!! I made this bread
last night and it was the best ever!!!!

I used Dicky's getting starter ready using the SF starter twice thru,
dumping down to 1/2 cup before starting at beginning and this time it
QUADRUPLED ;-) ..... I've had it triple before but never act this
way.. I took from that starter and used it in above recipe...Dusty &
Dicky Thanks to you both.!!!

I followed recipe except for keeping everything at 80-85 degrees as it
was cold here and even keeping it on stove with exhaust lite on, temp
ran from 73-80... It still rose, bubbled etc and looked fine.. I did
the flatten fold six times and formed round loaf.. After rising I
slashed and it looked like it went down a bit but still was okay... I
then put the boiling water in cake pan at bottom, ( I LOVE THIS WAY)
and closed oven for 15 mins, turned on without opening door... Thot I
had set it for 400 and in about 15 mins I opened to check thermometers
and realized I had I had set it for 450 by mistake..
I almost fell over when I saw that loaf, it must have tripled in
height and was beeeeeeeeeeautiful, I reset oven and ended up only
cooking it for 45 mins.

I set on rack to cool and the crust felt hard as a rock and I thot
other than size it was like the rest I'd made BUT I let it cool for 20
mins with the timer set, and when I went to cut a piece the crust
wasn't like a rock anymore, I could cut it and the bread was
perfect... That crust is crispy & chewy like it's supposed to be, it
is sour like I wanted and I ate almost half the loaf ( cutting pieces
off each side so I had crust LOL ) all by myself......

I really like putting the water in ahead and not opening door to mist,
will try next time on other bread that calls for misting to be sure it
does the same... Guess I've gone on long enough :-)

Pix here if you want to see :-) nancy