My Martha question
On 10 Mar 2004 08:38:08 -0800, (Nancy
Dooley) arranged random neurons, so they looked like this:
>I don't have any of her cookbooks, but every single recipe of hers
>that I've used, especially the "101s," have been "perfect" and gotten
>rave reviews. I have no complaints, whatsoever. I don't believe her
>recipes are difficult so much as they require a lot of attention to
>detail, which doesn't bother me. I've looked through the appetizer
>book and think I'd like to have it, but right now, I'm collecting
>pop-up books. ;-)
Nancy, I have her _Entertaining_ book and have not been impressed with
the recipes atall atall. I tried a cream cheese stuffed cherry tomato
recipe topped with red and black caviar that was a disaster. The
caviar bled into the cream cheese and looked horrible, not to mention
not a taste sensation. I'd estimate 40% of the recipes I've tried out
of that book have been gawdawful to pedestrian and I fancy myself a
fairly good "recipe reader." Much of the recipes seem to be long on
presentation (with the aforementioned glaring exception) and short on
And lovely to see your post, toots! You are missed!
Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret
had been as old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had
been as full as the waitress', it would have been a very
good dinner." Anonymous.
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