Fussy Eaters
One time on Usenet, Dave Smith > said:
> S'mee wrote:
> >
> > Now I'm sure at least 10 people are queuing up to tell me I should
> > make him eat it anyway, because they certainly wouldn't put up with
> > that. But I'm more interested in knowing what kind of fussiness
> > the rest of you may have to deal with...
> We are pretty lucky in my family. My wife has a thing about beets and is
> not to crazy about lima beans,
Boy, lot's of folks fussy about lima bean in this thread. I used
to hate them, but one day I accidentally left some on the stove
too long, in a nice butter sauce. The sauce had reduced to a nice
glaze(?), and made the limas actually taste good.
> but will eat just about anything. My son is
> pretty adventurous. The only one in the family who is a PITA is my older
> brother's oldest son. It's bad enough that he has so many dislikes, but he
> pouts about the lack of options. He was here for Christmas dinner two
> years ago. We had Carrot Pudding with caramel sauce, mince meat tarts,
> butter tarts, shortbread, Nanaimo bars, Black Forest squares, brownies and
> a few other types of cookies and he started with the there's nothing good
> for dessert. I think he was expecting me to go out and root through the
> freezer and cupboards for him..... tough luck kid :-)
Oh man, if it weren't for my blood sugar, I'd be coming to your place
next Christmas, Dave. I'm sorry, but your nephew is nuts... ;-)
Jani in WA (S'mee)
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~