REQ - taco seasoning mix
On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:06:08 -0600, OmManiPadmeOmelet
> wrote:
>In article >,
> serene > wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 22:17:00 -0500, Dieter Zakas
>> > wrote:
>> [taco seasoning]
>> >Thus, I reason I could buy MOST of the ingredients listed on the packet and
>> >make my own. Does anyone have any suggestions to develop the proportions for
>> >such ingredients, or any favorite such recipes they'd like to share?
>> Mine's boring, but effective: a teaspoon each of cumin and chili
>> powder, and a pinch of salt.
>> serene
>To how much meat?
I just mix that stuff together, then use it to taste (usually on some
meat-substitute stuff, not meat itself, though), then save the rest or
toss it out. Not like it's expensive.