Fussy Eaters
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Rhonda Anderson
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Fussy Eaters
(S'mee) wrote in news:dqbe50$q0k8_002
> Now I'm sure at least 10 people are queuing up to tell me I should
> make him eat it anyway, because they certainly wouldn't put up with
> that. But I'm more interested in knowing what kind of fussiness
> the rest of you may have to deal with...
I don't eat offal, mushrooms, raw fish or blue vein cheese (though I
haven't tried that for years). Most other things I'll at least try. I
like a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, though of course there are
some I prefer to others, and some I haven't yet tried. I like to try new
things now and again.
Rob is very fussy when it comes to vegies - there are a lot that he won't
eat, and the ones he does eat sometimes have restrictions attached. For
example, he'll eat pumpkin, but only roasted in oil, not steamed or
mashed. When I make salad I like to use baby spinach and mesclun. He only
wants iceberg or cos lettuce.
He will only sometimes eat casserole type dishes where there are vegies
in with the meat. Won't eat stirfries with noodles etc. If I serve pasta
with a tomato sauce, wants to know where the meat is! If I serve meat
with potatoes and green vegies or salad, it's not uncommon that the meat
and potatoes will be eaten and then the green vegies will be "cold" or
he's "too full" to eat them <g>.
I think, if allowed to, he would live quite happily on sausages, salami,
cheese, olives, bread and nuts (lots and lots of nuts), with the
occasional pizza or nachos.
He's not very big on trying new things. Also, frustratingly, sometimes I
make something that he has eaten previously, and he will say that he
doesn't like it or has gone off it.
Oh well, he doesn't drink to excess, gamble, or take up with floozies
<g>.... The vegies I like that he doesn't eat, I just cook for myself.
If he really won't eat what I'm making for tea, he'll make himself a
cheese sandwich or some eggs, but I can usually come to a compromise of
some sort. I just worry about his health when he won't eat much in the
way of fruit and veggies.
Rhonda Anderson
Cranebrook, NSW, Australia
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