Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

On Sat, 14 Jan 2006 17:58:56 GMT,
(S'mee) wrote:

>I was checking out Gloria's Sweet & Sour Cocktail Meatball recipe
>(which sounds excellent, btw; my sibling makes something very similar).
>Anyway, I figured I wouldn't bother to save the recipe because Miguel
>(DH) doesn't like meatballs of any kind. Or white sauce. Or coconut.
>Or most sandwiches. *Sigh*
>Now I'm sure at least 10 people are queuing up to tell me I should
>make him eat it anyway, because they certainly wouldn't put up with

Nah, I'm more likely to cook what my partner likes when we eat
together, and cook what I like when I eat alone (or with others).

>But I'm more interested in knowing what kind of fussiness
>the rest of you may have to deal with...

My ex was very fussy, and eventually we went for an
every-woman-for-herself plan a lot of the time (we also ate out a lot,
because we had more money then than my new partner and I have).

I have to say that while I enjoyed the challenge of cooking for a
fussy eater, it's a LOT more fun living with someone who will eat
anything I cook, and will also cook for me from time to time.
