Fussy Eaters
Jen wrote:
> >
> > We are pretty lucky in my family. My wife has a thing about beets and is
> > not to crazy about lima beans, but will eat just about anything. My son is
> > pretty adventurous. The only one in the family who is a PITA is my older
> > brother's oldest son. It's bad enough that he has so many dislikes, but he
> > pouts about the lack of options. He was here for Christmas dinner two
> > years ago. We had Carrot Pudding with caramel sauce,
> This is so totally off subject! But Carrot Pudding with caramel sauce!
> I've never heard of it. Recipe please.
I can try to get it for you. My mother makes it every year. It is like plum
pudding and contains, some sugar, flour, suet, raisins, dates, currants,
shredded carrots, spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice. It is made about a
month or so ahead of Christmas and then steamed. It looks (and tastes) better
by flaming with brandy.
The caramel sauce is made by melting butter, adding brown sugar, then some milk
and some water. Serve hot over the carrot pudding.