On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 19:44:04 -0800, Terry Pulliam Burd
> wrote:
> On 10 Mar 2004 08:38:08 -0800, (Nancy
> Dooley) arranged random neurons, so they looked like this:
> >I don't have any of her cookbooks, but every single recipe of hers
> >that I've used, especially the "101s," have been "perfect" and gotten
> >rave reviews. I have no complaints, whatsoever. I don't believe her
> >recipes are difficult so much as they require a lot of attention to
> >detail, which doesn't bother me. I've looked through the appetizer
> >book and think I'd like to have it, but right now, I'm collecting
> >pop-up books. ;-)
> >
> Nancy, I have her _Entertaining_ book and have not been impressed with
> the recipes atall atall. I tried a cream cheese stuffed cherry tomato
> recipe topped with red and black caviar that was a disaster. The
> caviar bled into the cream cheese and looked horrible, not to mention
> not a taste sensation.
Dahlink, you simply are NOT using the same quality of caviar
that Mahtha uses. If you use the dyed stuff, you can expect
it to bleed.
> I'd estimate 40% of the recipes I've tried out
> of that book have been gawdawful to pedestrian and I fancy myself a
> fairly good "recipe reader." Much of the recipes seem to be long on
> presentation (with the aforementioned glaring exception) and short on
> taste.
Well, Hruumph. Don't you know presentation is EVERYTHING?
Personally, I haven't tried many of her recipes... I'm
trying desperately to think of ONE. I do have her
Entertaining Book, but it's not on my cookbook shelf... it's
with my clothes. When you think about it, that's telling.
> And lovely to see your post, toots! You are missed!
My sentiments, exactly!
Practice safe eating - always use condiments