This can't be right
Ozzy wrote:
> Agreed that the US is a bigger potential market than Switzerland for lots of
> things, certainly Lipton tea. Don't go by your own tea consumption, though.
> It's unclear from your post how much *Lipton* you drink. (I consume around
> 1-3 liters/day myself, but no Lipton at all.)
---------> I don't drink any Lipton, period. I think it is the worst
tea available. I may drink it occasionally, out of politeness, if I am
at someone's house and it is offered, but other than that I avoid it
like the plague.
> But first and foremost, the page is advertising aimed at the general public.
> One should'nt take sales claims on advertising (especially those made with
> the registered trademark symbol) as necessarily accurate. :-)
--------> Point taken. But if they are going to brag about their
sales, don't you think they'd choose a higher number than seven liters
a year? Seven liters a year of anything is very little, don't you
> Ozzy