Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Nancy Young
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Default Fussy Eaters

"Julia Altshuler" > wrote

> I've thought more about the question of what makes a fussy adult and how
> to deal with them. I've decided that the definition of fussy is someone
> who can't find anything to eat in a restaurant or social gathering or
> someone who can't be polite in those situations.

I like your definition a lot. It occurred to me after reading a few
of the responses, if someone you don't eat with every day manages
to make their list of won't-eat foods known in the space of a meal?
Sounds pretty picky to me.

> Example: I don't eat raw fish. I know that lots of people adore sushi
> bars, but I can't bring myself to try it. That makes me fussy. Except
> that I happily go along to Japanese restaurants if that's where my friends
> are going, and I can always find something to enjoy on the menu.


> There's miso soup, salads, rice with vegetables, teriaki, noodles in
> sauces, etc. To my mind, that means I'm not fussy.
> From time to time I'll be at a friend's home when they're serving
> something I don't like, but I can normally find a way to eat something
> else they're serving without calling attention to myself. I certainly
> don't have to bring my own food (though I normally offer to bring a dish).
> There are actually a fair number of foods that I don't like. Some of them
> I don't eat because of legitimate health concerns. Others don't make
> sense, but I'm always able to order something in a restaurant or turn down
> food politely. I'm not someone who has to have a lot of food at every
> meal. If there's really nothing I care to eat, I can skip a few meals
> without noticeable effect.

> The stories of people who can be offered 10 desserts, turn them all down,
> and insist on going out for something different, amuse and horrify me.
> THAT'S fussy.

Honestly. That kind of person makes you know for sure that there
are people who are 'fussy' in order to be the center of attention.
Guess, what, so don't eat dessert, shut up already. Take a cookie
and pretend to eat it. Whatever.
