OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article <M6eyf.72176$4l5.13486@dukeread05>,
> Roberta > wrote:
>>OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>>In article > ,
>>> sarah bennett > wrote:
>>>>The only thing I will not consume under nearly any circumstance are lima
>>><high fives Sarah>
>>>I hate them too.
>>>Always have, always will.
>>>Other beans I hate are black eyed peas and garbanzo/chick peas!
>>My oldest daughter eats very very few vegetables - at the moment she
>>enjoys brocolli (steamed ONLY) and lima beans .... talk about odd taste
>>Roberta (in VA)
> At least it's healthy... :-)
True - I just find it weird that she won't eat corn in ANY form, Cooked
carrots (although slowly she is starting to eat them IN things). I
actually don't know if there are any vegetables BUT brocolli and lima
beans that she will eat...*shake head* I don't make the kids eat things
they don't want to - they do have to taste new stuff. If I make
something I KNOW one or both of the girls won't like I will make
something different...If it is something they decide at the dinner table
they don't like - they are free to fix themselves a sandwich. I just
fine mealtimes more pleasant that way

And, I was forced to eat
things I didn't like - to the point of getting physically ill from it.
There are things I still can not stomach because of that. I grew out of
picky all on my own I think.
Roberta (in VA)