Fussy Eaters
>> This is so totally off subject! But Carrot Pudding with caramel sauce!
>> I've never heard of it. Recipe please.
> I can try to get it for you. My mother makes it every year. It is like
> plum
> pudding and contains, some sugar, flour, suet, raisins, dates, currants,
> shredded carrots, spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice. It is made about
> a
> month or so ahead of Christmas and then steamed. It looks (and tastes)
> better
> by flaming with brandy.
> The caramel sauce is made by melting butter, adding brown sugar, then some
> milk
> and some water. Serve hot over the carrot pudding.
Sounds delicious. I would love the recipe please.