Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Karen MacInerney
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Default Fussy Eaters

King's Crown wrote:
> I'd never make my husband eat something, but the kids I do make them try one
> bite. When they were little they'd cry for an hour, because of having to
> try one bite. Now they just eat it and move on. I'd say 90% of the time
> they still won't eat the dish they tried, but at least they've tried it.

I am SO with you.

Child one has not touched a vegetable (except for cherry tomatoes and
corn -- but only on the cob) since the age of 15 months. She also does
not like sauce on pizza (or anything else), and will not touch any meat
that isn't completely and utterly devoid of visible seasonings. She is
so averse to green things that she will not touch kiwi.

The other, thank God, is a bit more flexible in the food department.
But add child one's requirements with those of our most frequent dinner
guests, who do not like 1) vinegar 2) onions or 3) goat cheese, and I'm
left cooking nothing but oatmeal. Actually, no -- child one won't eat
oatmeal, either. *sigh*

What I need to do is ship child one to her grandparents' house for
dinner and invite some culinarily adventurous RFCers over to dinner!

Karen MacInerney
Kitchen experimenter, family chauffeur, and culinary mystery author