what other newsgroups do you like?
Hark! I heard OSPAM (JLove98905) say:
> Just curious here - what other newsgroups (cooking or otherwise) do you find
> useful, interesting, fun or any combination of the three?
> I belong to several other cooking groups - rec.food.recipes,
> alt.creative-cooking, alt.food.asian, alt.food.wine, etc. I also belong to a
> great cat newsgroup rec.pets.cats.health+behav, and a good movie one,
> rec.arts.movies.current-films.
I'm amazed at how many groups some folks read -- I barely have time
for this one! But I do visit others on occasion:
alt.aol-sucks (only when I'm bored)
j*ni p. ~ mom, gamer, novice cook ~
...fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!