This can't be right
"Pat" > wrote in
> ---------> I don't drink any Lipton, period. I think it is the worst
> tea available. I may drink it occasionally, out of politeness, if I am
> at someone's house and it is offered, but other than that I avoid it
> like the plague.
Exactly, but
> --------> Point taken. But if they are going to brag about their
> sales, don't you think they'd choose a higher number than seven liters
> a year? Seven liters a year of anything is very little, don't you
> think?
That would be approx 236 fl. oz., i.e. 39 (and a fraction) six oz. cups
annually. It *does* seem low to me, but I am a confirmed teadrinker, even
an excessive one. Were I in addition a certain type of ad copywriter, I
should probably claim a higher figure.
Alternatively, you could take the net weight of Lipton tea sold in
Switzerland for a given year, estimate how much liquor that would yield
(depending on the form), and obtain some sort of figure. Seven liters per
person might actually be it. They don't provide any sources for the
information -- it's not that type of ad. Who is to say whether it's an
'accurrate' guesstimate, intended hype, or some sort of typo? Not I.