"Pat" > wrote in message
> Ozzy wrote:
>> Agreed that the US is a bigger potential market than Switzerland for lots
>> of
>> things, certainly Lipton tea. Don't go by your own tea consumption,
>> though.
>> It's unclear from your post how much *Lipton* you drink. (I consume
>> around
>> 1-3 liters/day myself, but no Lipton at all.)
> ---------> I don't drink any Lipton, period. I think it is the worst
> tea available. I may drink it occasionally, out of politeness, if I am
> at someone's house and it is offered, but other than that I avoid it
> like the plague.
>> Ozzy
I drink Lipton CTC Assam from my local Indian supermarket. It's not
horrible, it's certainly better than the bags I was raised on. Of course I'm
also one of those tea ignoramouses that puts milk and sugar in their black
tea (depending). But I know my oolongs from my puers. ::sniff:: do you guys
still love me? :

uppy dog eyes:: lol !!
(I'm also one of those people who have been known to like being
Melinda, drinking (cover your eyes if this disturbs you) black label blend
fannings from Uptons and listening to V-8 Ford, Jimmy Cotton....oh yeah
that's menace...