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Default This can't be right

Kitty wrote:

> I think the difference is in the name Lipton. Perhaps there isn't a
> lot of competition for Lipton in Switzerland.
> In the USA today there is Tetley, Rose, and several others. The US
> market is also being invaded by "gourmet" everything including tea so
> Twinnings and Stash are getting their share of the former Lipton
> market.

--------> I think you may have a point there. In countries where tea
drinking is taken seriously, such as Great Britain and Ireland, Lipton
is not even available, except perhaps in some flavored and herbal

I would have thought that in the US, more than seven liters per person
per year of Lipton iced tea would be consumed. But then again, Lipton
isn't as dominant in the ready-to-drink market; there is some stiff
competition from Snapple, Arizona and some others.