Fussy Eaters
Nathalie Chiva wrote:
> I notice that with guests. Parents will come with their child, I put
> on the table the dish I have prepared (let's say, for the sake of
> discussion, that it's marinated shrimp), parent will turn to the child
> and say "You don't like shrimp".
It may be that the parent is trying to save the embarassment of the
child spitting the food out and making a rude face/comment, or the
parent doesn't want the child to "waste" food. It's not a tact I take,
but I know parents who do.
> And the same people will complain
> about their child's fussy eating.... ahem...
> I'm a mean host in those cases. I won't offer anything alternative
> unless the parent asks (partly because I'm leaving the education part
> to the parent), and then, it will be bread, yogurt, fruit, ready
> stuff. I'm not a short-order cook.
I ask for food allergies before the event. Other than that, I try to
serve enough variety that everyone should find something that they will
eat. I won't pander to the picky kid, but if their parents want to
fire up my stove and cook them a grilled cheese they are welcome to.
Personally, I think pandering to your children thusly is ridiculous. I
know one child who will eat basicly nothing except scrambled eggs and
plain quesadillas. He is that way because his parents allow him to be.