Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

In article >,
Jo Anne Slaven > wrote:

> >S'mee wrote:

> >> But I'm more interested in knowing what kind of fussiness
> >> the rest of you may have to deal with...

> My husband will eat freakin' anything. I'm the fussy one.
> One thing I can't figure out about my fussiness is that I don't like
> freshwater fish. I love "seafood" (lobster, crab, shrimp, etc), and I
> like sal****er fish (halibut, cod, grouper, snapper, et al), but
> pickerel, trout, and other freshwater fish just all tastes really
> "fishy" to me.
> Anyone else have the same fish preferences?
> Jo Anne

If the fresh water fish tastes "fishy", it's not fresh. :-)

I always give any fish I buy, fresh or salt water, the "sniff" test
prior to buying it...

The only fish I really do not care for is Salmon. It has a strong,
metallic taste to me.

Altho' the more recent fresh water farmed salmon on the market is ok if
I poach or bake it. It tastes almost like trout.

I'm very adventurous in my feeding habits. While there are a few select
foods I just cannot stand, I'll still try nearly anything once.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson