Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

In article >,
The Bubbo > wrote:

> Dave Smith wrote:
> > Christine Dabney wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> I wish I could agree with your opinion, but I can't.
> >>
> >> I have a very good friend who is vegan, and believe me, it is not
> >> about the person, at least in his case.

> >
> > Maybe not in his case. There may be the odd one that is sincere and will
> > stick to it. My problem is that, for most of them, it is a fad diet. It

> makes
> > no difference to me what kind of diet they follow. I just won't cater to it.
> >
> >

> I've had a few vegan friends and all of them were very good about being
> responsible for their own food. I never ever mind cooking vegan, that's not an
> issue, but for other situations they would bring their own food.
> The only time it was a problem was when I was traveling with a vegetarian and
> a vegan and we were in Vicksburg, MS. I'd been adamant that they plan ahead
> for the times we had to stop to eat and find restaurants that they could eat
> at. We knew that on that day we would be in Vicksburg for lunch and no one had
> planned ahead, so we sat in the car getting crankier and cranker trying to
> find a place to eat.
> And the one time it irritated me was on the same trip, there were so many
> places in New Orleans I wanted to eat at and I couldn't because they didn't
> have vegan options. Being out-voted by them was kind of irritating.

Oh for pity sake!
I've never seen a restaraunt one that did not have a separate salad
menu, and veggie side orders! (a-la carte options).

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson