Fussy Eaters
Chuck wrote:
> Orders from menu things that spell out what's included in the dish..
> and waits till it's placed in front of her to then list the things she
> can't have "touch" her food...and sends it back to be re done
> She eats a LOT of spit...
Hasn't anyone told her what happens to food that is sent back for silly reasons :-)
> All this just to be the center of attention..
> You'd expect it from the younger crowd.. but she hasn't outgrown it..
> she's now in the mid to late 30's..
So people seem to think that everyone is there to wait on them personally.
My previously talked about niece, the hog, not the vegan, loves to send people on
errands. My father in law used to take the whole family to one of his clubs for a
Christmas family luncheon. He arranged for seating in a private room. It was a
brunch buffet and waiters brought beverages. The waiter came around to serve
coffee. The niece wants tea. He brings tea. There is cream and sugar on the table,
but she wants milk. He brings a pitcher of milk. She sends him for a glass of
juice. He comes back with her juice and she asks for a glass of milk. He brings the
milk and then she asked for a glass of water. I never saw the waiter again. He had
the good sense to see what was going on and buggered off. I didn't blame him, but I
was ticked off that we no longer had a waiter.