In article >,
Kenneth Brody > wrote:
>Leon wrote:
>> "Dori A Schmetterling" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > My grandmother in Haifa (of blessed memory) drank her tea like that, but
>> > then she was a Galizianer...
>> I have convinced a local Catholic theologian that "Galizianer" is the
>> Hebrew word for "Galician" and he used it on a local TV panel show. Now
>> I am working on "schlemiel" for "Samuel".
>I thought "Galizianer" _did_ mean "someone from Galicia"? Next, you're
>going to tell me that "Litvak" is not "someone from Lithuania". (Or is
>it just that it's not Hebrew?)
Those words are definitely not Hebrew; they are Yiddish.
Schlemiel is also Yiddish.
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Herman Rubin, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
Phone: (765)494-6054 FAX: (765)494-0558