Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

Lisa Ann wrote:
> [snip] My brother went to France 10 years ago on business.
> I was insanely jealous (can someone tell me why I'm the one who majored in
> foreign languages, but will apparently be the last in my family to get to
> Europe?), and quizzed him when he got back. "The food there sucks," he
> informed me. He went on to explain that his boss, their French contact and
> he had "gone out for a large pizza and 3 Pepsis, and it cost over 50 bucks!
> And the pizza sucked!" He explained that he had assumed they'd have *great*
> pizza in France, because it's so close to Italy. "Hell, we're clear across
> the ocean and we got us some great pizza here!"

That's hilarious!
> [snip] [He] Nearly starved to death in China, but at least was polite
> about it.

And this! In Shanghai we saw a long line of people waiting to get in
an extremely popular restaurant that had newly opened. KFC. That
would have taken care of him, huh?
> After the trip to France, I started demanding DNA tests. I just *know* my
> parents brought the wrong baby home - there's no way we're related!

Yeah, I would too. At least you both have senses of humor. -aem