Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Glitter Ninja
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Default Fussy Eaters

"D.Currie" > writes:

>take the noodles, no meatballs. That was fine with me. If she was sitting
>anywhere within arms reach of me, she'd take meatballs from the serving dish
>and put them on my plate. If she wasn't close by, she'd tell someone else to
>give me some meatballs.

That is just rude. That's a control issue and I would have a lot of
trouble dealing with that in a polite way.
I don't mind if people don't take something I make. Keep in mind I
don't cook for anyone but myself and my husband anymore. But in the
past if someone didn't like something I served, as long as they didn't
get all complainey and rude about it, I didn't care. My parents and
former friends were easy because they would eat almost anything. The
in-laws, not so much. Even at restaurants they had all sorts of
unspoken rules guests had to follow. I was scolded once for ordering a
small salad and lemonade with a dash of peach Schnapps for a drink,
while someone else (not even a relative, just a moocher friend) ordered
two meals and two appetizers for himself alone and no one said a word.
Apparently the rules we Alcohol BAD. Gluttony GOOD.
