I would like to convert from meat-eating diet to vegetarian. Anyone know of any good books, cookbooks?
"Beach Runner" > wrote in message
> Preesi wrote:
>> Beach Runner wrote:
>>>Scented Nectar wrote:
> wrote in message
>>>>>I have heard that one can get all they need from a
>>>>>vegetarian diet.
>>>>>I know that vegetables, fruits and nuts are great sources
>>>>>dietary needs. I would like to go on a 'whole foods'
>>>>>approach to
>>>>>the vegetables, because I have been told that microwaving
>>>>>vegetables gets rid of a lot of the vitamins and nutrients.
>>>>>that correct.
>>>>>Any help is greatly appreciated.
>>>>As far as cookbooks, my site
>>>>listed below has links to over
>>>>700 free veg recipe websites.
>>>While there are people on this group that will attack you,
>>>read Dr.
>>>Dean Ornish and recognize you don't need meat. It will
>>>improve your attery health, reduce prostate cancer, and bowel
>>>You will consume less pesticides. Food will cost less.
>> Less Pesticides?
>> Id say MORE!
>>>Soon a few people will write nasty notes after this, but I
>>>wish you
>>>the best of luck. Some good Yahoo Groups are Vegan Friends,
>>>or Vegan
>>>Weightlifers. I especially enjoy all the scientific studies
>>>on Vegan
>>>I greatly admire Scented Nector for staying with the cause.
>> "Cause?"
>> Why does it ALWAYS have to be a CAUSE!
>> BTW SOY is harmful for men
> Hate filled posting.
> Causes are doing what one believes in for moral reasons.
> Animal factories, nothing like traditional farming are
> horrendous. You have no compassion, then something is wrong
> with you.
> And no evidence that Soy is bad for human consumption have ever
> been produced. There are extensive overdoes animal studies and
> theories but not one study. On the other hand soy has been
> used safely by people for
> thousands of years.
Sure, but not in the form being presented here as a whole food.
Just more of your lys, delusions, and hatred of the truth, eh