Dipping Chocolate - Internet Souce
John Caldeira wrote:
> Would someone kindly recommend an internet source for dipping
> chocolate? I want to make some chocolate-dipped candies and haven't
> found dipping chocolate locally.
> Good brands to buy or a recipe for making dipping chocolate would be
> helpful, too.
> Thanks,
> John
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "dipping" chocolate. Many people would
think of Merckens candy melts, which of course isn't "real" chocolate. Since
it doesn't need to be tempered, it is easier for most people to use. Many
people like its flavor, although the purist will shudder at the thought. <G>
If you mean couverture, then it depends which brand or type you would like
to use. Chocosphere has a wide selection, but their prices are very high,
IMHO. Gourmail's price for the kind of chocolate I use--El Rey--is also
higher than that of my supplier, Sparrow in Massachusetts. Perhaps you
should try a few chocolates, decide what you would like to use, and then
search for a reasonable supplier in your vicinity.