Unborn Chicken Eggs
On 16 Jan 2006 22:22:22 -0800, "Blair P. Houghton"
> wrote:
>tuppy wrote:
>> "Blair P. Houghton" wrote:
>> > tuppy wrote:
>> > > Why are unborn eggs considered "feshig" but born eggs are parve
>> >
>> > Why is the capybara a fish?
>> Why did you even bother?
>I like pointing out the irony of arbitrary nonsense.
One could examine the traditions, rules and regulations of virtually
any religion and decide they are arbitrary nonsense. In fact, a good
many people think that of any religion except their own. Prohibitions
on dancing or drinking or tattoos, or think about transubstantiation,
repeating phrases over and over, counting beads, refusing medicines,
praying facing a certain direction, allowing art, not allowing art,
cutting off bits of flesh, talking to ancestors....the list is as long
as world history. There is no reason to single any one religion for
goofy traits or arbitrary nonsense. They all have them and have been
warring over them a long, long time.