Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Elaine Parrish
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Default Fussy Eaters

On 16 Jan 2006, aem wrote:

> Elaine Parrish wrote:
> >
> > I don't eat raw fish, either (I don't eat much fish of any kind).
> >
> > A friend of mine adores sushi and I like tempura well enough to get
> > through an evening of her great company. I wasn't sure I was
> > going enjoy sitting across the table from her, though. However, when her
> > sushi plate came, there were two shrimp things (a cube of cold rice,
> > shrimp on top, wrapped in a dark green weed [seaweed?}).
> >
> > Both the shrimp were pink. I didn't know enough about the other fish to
> > know whether or not it was cooked. A little investigating proved that it
> > was, too.
> >
> > Tee hee hee. All the folks that I know that were bragging about eating raw
> > fish were either misinformed or just rattling everyone else's cage.
> >
> > Sashimi is the raw stuff and it isn't offered anywhere around here. But
> > that hasn't stopped most of the people I know from talking about cool it
> > is to eat "raw" fish. <g>
> >
> > The shrimp were very large and very good. It's the cold glob of rice and a
> > huge weed ribbon I can't abide.

Elaine, too.

> >

> So you're saying that your friends can't tell the difference between
> raw fish and cooked fish? And that tickles you?
> I find the first really hard to believe. The second, I believe. -aem

Reading comprehension a little off this morning?

I didn't say my friends can't tell.

The folks bragging about the "raw fish" were college kids - most taking
one of my classes, so I was listening to them - who took to the
place in droves. When some would voice objections to "raw fish", those
"folks" would laugh at them or tease them about being squeamish or
"wimps" and bragging about having eaten there - when in reality they were
not eating raw fish to begin with.

I stated that I didn't know whether they were misinformed or just rattling
everyone's cage. Yes, it tickled me.

Elaine, too.