Fussy Eaters
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Fussy Eaters
> Nancy Young wrote:
> wrote
>>>>Side note: Our friends have the opposite problem. They raised their
>>>>kids to eat everything very early on, and now every time they go out
>>>>the kids want lobster and steamed mussels. :-)
>>>My sister brought up her kids the same way. This can be a very
>>>dangerous thing for the pocket book. I can remember their great uncle
>>>taking them to dinner and being a bit shocked when the oldest (10-12
>>>yr?) started with escargot and proceeded down the menu from there.
>>I guess they hadn't gotten around to the lesson where you don't
>>order everything on the menu when someone else is paying?
> He was making sure that they felt free to order whatever they wanted.
Serves him right
> The cost really didn't bother him, rather he was shocked I think he was
> expecting the Kids Menu hamburger.
I think it is weird to take people to dinner, offering to pay, at a
restaurant where a lot of the menu items are too expensive and you
expect your guests to somehow know they should order only the less
expensive items. No, guests should not order the most expensive menu
item, but they should be free to order items that are typical for the
place. If the host has a limited budget he should choose the restaurant
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