Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

Nathalie Chiva wrote:
>"John_Kane wrote:
> > My sister brought up her kids the same way. This can be a very
> >dangerous thing for the pocket book. I can remember their great uncle
> >taking them to dinner and being a bit shocked when the oldest (10-12
> >yr?) started with escargot and proceeded down the menu from there.

> That would be my kids. The youngest loves sauteed foie gras and
> expensive meat cuts, rare (and adult portion, at 7....), the oldest is
> a fan of good fish.... And both guys "favorite food" is sushi...
> Nathalie in Switzerland

Thanks for the heads up, that you didn't raise your kids to have good
manners. And you're proud of this, that explains everything... the
acorn sure doesn't fall far from the tree... pardon me while I puke.
