Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

Elaine Parrish wrote:

> I remember when I was a kid my dad teaching me what a host is supposed to
> say and what a guest is supposed to listen for in a restaurant setting,
> so, that all parties were comfortable with the experience. Those "old
> rules" were there for a reason and were so valuable. It made the
> difference in a comfortable, pleasant evening and a very strained one.
> I don't know if people just don't know these things any more or if they
> just don't teach their kids anything any more. When I was dating, back
> when dirt was new, very few men of my generation knew the protocols.

Sorry, Elaine, but I have never heards of the protocols, either.
I do know enough to pick up clues from hy host's behavior, but please
let us in on your father's teaching--what is a host spupposed to say and
what does it really mean?

gloria p