Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

P.Aitken wrote:
> I think it is weird to take people to dinner, offering to pay, at a
> restaurant where a lot of the menu items are too expensive and you
> expect your guests to somehow know they should order only the less
> expensive items. No, guests should not order the most expensive menu
> item,

Why not? If that's what they want to eat, they should order it. It is
up to the host to choose the restaurant that is within his or her
budget. I seriously don't understand why people get hung up on menu
prices. I mean, it's just not something I consider when hosting
another couple or family. I am more concerned that they have a menu
from which everyone can find something to order.

> but they should be free to order items that are typical for the
> place. If the host has a limited budget he should choose the restaurant
> accordingly.

