Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

Nancy Young wrote:

> "jake" > wrote
>>>People who don't pay attention to that wind up being the
>>>ones bitched about who order expensive meals all the time
>>>then just split the bill with the others at the table, apparently
>>>unaware everyone is chipping in for their meal.

>>I have subsidised many nights out because I"ll eat one course rather than
>>2 or 3 and because I don't drink alcohol most of the time. I have found it
>>difficult to express I thought it was too much to expect from me.

> I understand that, and it's been a matter of discussion here many
> times. People should be aware when someone is ordering a lot
> less or that they are spending a lot more and should chip in
> accordingly. Somehow there are people oblivious to this.

Yes. It amazes me. But I am more money conscious people than most
people. It is simply beyond em that people can spend money without
thinking. My savings account makes me feel good. I suspect theirs don't.

>>Instead, I have resorted to asking people to come and eat at my home (I
>>love to cook and no one needs to spend big money). Or choosing other
>>activities than going eat to bars/restaurants. It works well enough for
>>the situation to be acceptable.

> That's a very good alternative in some situations, I like that.
> nancy