Fussy Eaters
sarah bennett wrote:
> jake wrote:
>>> am I the only one who has no problem dividing a bill properly? If no
>>> one is treating me to a dinner, I order whatever I want, and pay for
>>> it. There is no way that I would split a bill evenly. Why do you guys
>>> do it that way?
>> I do it because of group pressure from people who have already entered
>> the stadium of semi-drunkenness (when the bill arrives) and who don't
>> give nearly as much thought to budgets as I do. Or who may simply
>> never have been as poor as I have been and thus have a different
>> understanding of money. I feel very uncomfortable bringing the subject
>> up (it 5:1).
> I still don't get it. I would simply put down enough to cover what I
> ordered and the corresponding tip, and let them split the rest of the
> bill in whatever asinine way they chose to. Would your friends really
> get that ****ed off if you did that?
When the bill comes, people will do some math out loud to the effect of
everyone paying the same amount. I'd have to make a point of it. I just
don't feel comfortable doing that. I am not sure if they would get
****ed off. I think they'd think I was cheap. To their standards, I
might very well be.
BTW, this happens around male friends. Never around female friends. I am
happy to pay for people who have considerably less money than I. I'd
rather spend a nice evening with them than worry about money. Especially
if otherwise they couldn't participate in certain things. But that's a
whole different issue, isn't it.