Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Dave Smith
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Default Fussy Eaters

sarah bennett wrote:

> I still don't get it. I would simply put down enough to cover what I
> ordered and the corresponding tip, and let them split the rest of the
> bill in whatever asinine way they chose to. Would your friends really
> get that ****ed off if you did that?

That's a good approach if you are willing to take on the responsibility of
gathering up all the money and making the payment to the waiter or cashier,
and perhaps be responsible for making up for any shortage. Unfortunately,
there always seems to be at least one in a group who is going to try to pay
less than their share.

I had co-workers like that. We were usually on an expense account and they all
ate less than they claimed, but there were two who could be counted on not to
contribute their share. When I organized our Christmas luncheon I specifically
requested separate bills, and knowing that there might be flak from the
waitresses or kitchen about that I advised that there were a number of
cheapskates who wouldn't be be giving any tips if they thought they could be
anonymous about their cheapness. We got separate checks.