Thread: Fussy Eaters
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Default Fussy Eaters

jake wrote:

> Nancy Young wrote:
>> "jake" > wrote
>>>> People who don't pay attention to that wind up being the
>>>> ones bitched about who order expensive meals all the time
>>>> then just split the bill with the others at the table, apparently
>>>> unaware everyone is chipping in for their meal.
>>>> nancy

>>> I have subsidised many nights out because I"ll eat one course rather
>>> than 2 or 3 and because I don't drink alcohol most of the time. I
>>> have found it difficult to express I thought it was too much to
>>> expect from me.

>> I understand that, and it's been a matter of discussion here many
>> times. People should be aware when someone is ordering a lot
>> less or that they are spending a lot more and should chip in
>> accordingly. Somehow there are people oblivious to this.

> Yes. It amazes me. But I am more money conscious people than most
> people. It is simply beyond em that people can spend money without
> thinking. My savings account makes me feel good. I suspect theirs don't.

People have all sorts of different attitudes about money and it's
important for there to be mutual respect. Note the "mutual" - the frugal
person has to respect the generous person as well as vice versa.

We've had this problem come up with certain friends. We love them
dearly, but they are not nearly as well off as we are and are much more
penny-conscious. When we go to eat together, they are only willing to go
to really cheap places where we find the food, service, and ambience to
be dreadful. We would be happy to treat them at a nicer place but they
refuse - misplaced pride I think. I understand where they are coming
from but I would much prefer that they accept our genuine offer.

A lot of people have trouble accepting generosity. It's a shame, because
offering generosity and accepting it are two sides of the same coin.


When you are on your death bed will you fondly remember your savings
account? I think it would be better to fondly remember the times you
were generous with your friends.