My first tea (not from a bag)
John F wrote:
> I picked up my first tea yesterday Temple of Heaven Gunpowder at a
> local shop. I followed the instructions that came with the tea
Just like on a can of ground coffee the manufacturer is interested in
not having the tea last you very long so you buy more. 1 teaspoon is
generally adequate, 1.5 for a larger mug.
> First off I think I used too much tea and steeped for too long on the
> first cup.
There are many water temp. and steep time guides online, they will be
fairly accurate and get you in the ballpark.
>but can you make a second cup 24 hours later, or is it an
> immediate use thing?
No. Tea oxidizes in air. 24 hours is too long. Also some teas will grow
mold very quickly. Generally the 1st brew is discarded and a 2nd made
immediately. You can drink the 1st brewing and then immediately make a
second though.
> This tea is better than any I've had from teabags but looks to get a
> fairly bad rap here as lower quality.
It will take years for you to distinguish between fine teas and low-mid
grade ones. Teas that you think are high quality now will be like the
lowest grade you consider in time. Although there are a few low grade
teas that I regularly enjoy, my tastes have grown to upper end teas...
but that took years.
Just enjoy your tea, gunpowder tea is a good green tea. Although I
personally prefer Sencha. I like Jasmine Green Tea, and strawbery
sencha as well. Jasmine green "pearls" are one of my favorite daily
teas. A great book is called "the Book of Tea" and a wonderful intro to