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Bob Westcott
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Default Herdez Salsa Verde

Mark D wrote:
> If Salsa ain't hot, to me, it ain't Salsa. All it is then is tomato
> sauce.
> The heat doesn't kill the flavor of the food, unless you just ain't used
> to heat. I used to watch little 7 year old Mexican kids eat Salsa that
> would choke a horse like it was nuthin! They're brought up on it.
> Gringos generally aren't.
> Someone once mentioned that Herdez made a Salsa Taqueria that supposed
> to be real good, I never seen it here. Seen all the other ones though.
> Mark

The only Herdez salsa I can get here (Calgary) is the Salsa Taqueria.
It's pretty fantastic; some heat, a real nice smokey thing happening.
It goes real good with a bag of tortilla chips and a six pack.