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Default Quantities of food for groups

Nancy Young wrote:
> "Leila" > wrote
> > To be completely understanding and tolerant, you could speculate that
> > this woman eats like a bird and furthermore has no clue about
> > extrapolating quantities for a group.

> That might fly if it was the first time she was eating with the
> group. If this is a regular thing, she *must* have noticed the
> other people eat more.
> Besides, when you cook for people at an occasion
> like that, don't you make extra? I would, just in case.
> I don't even know in case of what (laugh). All I know
> is I'd rather have a lot left over than even one person
> thinking ... I'd better not take that last piece.

Of course I would, too. I almost always make more food than we can eat.
I am aware, however, that other people aren't like that. It may be
cultural (I'll say it - WASPs! - because my momma is one and I'm
allowed). It may be cluelessness or (shudder) food aversion. Really.
Some people don't like food, you know. They pick, they nibble, they
aren't that into it.

I wasn't talking about what *I* would do, I was trying to get into the
mind of a person who doesn't bring enough food for a party. And trying
not to demonize such a person in the process!

> Bring extra, that's what she should do.



> nancy